This page contains a listing of some chips that the devil himself created. Mostly these are Micro-Controller Units aka
MCU's or custom chips that are probably undumpable, or their contents is in need of exorcising from it's plastic package (i.e. they will need trojaning). However, to
trojan them requires code which is then run on the victim, err.. donor PCB, but motivation to write the trojan code is severely
lacking due to the extreme difficulty of the task. Even when the trojan is
written and run, the PCB can fight it which results in having to re-write the
trojan code (sometimes many times), or failure altogether to obtain the info
that was required. So sadly, many will remain
undumped or unemulated for years, or worse, forever! :-(
Please note the following..... |
- If you would like to donate towards buying a PCB so that we can
attempt to trojan it, email me.
- If you want to donate/loan some PCB's for testing/trojaning, email me.
- If you can think of a chip that is missing from this list, let me know.
Click the thumbnails to see larger pics.
- Be careful, you might have
nightmares about these chips, so don't look for too long ;-)
Chip Name / Part Number |
Package |
Pic |
Found on.... |
Fujitsu MB86233 "TGP" |
QFP 208 |
Sega Model 1, 2 and 2A PCB's
(3D graphics co-processor) |
Data East 156
QFP 100 |
Encrypted Arm CPU on
Night Slashers, Joe and Mac Return, Backfire, World Cup Volleyball 95, Ganbare
Gonta, Chain Reaction, Magical Drop, Dunk Dream 95, Dunk Dream 96, Hoops, Osman,
Cannon Dancer, Stadium Hero 96, Heavy Smash, Wolf Fang |
Data East 102
QFP 128 |
Encrypted 68000 CPU on
Diet Go Go, Boogie Wings, Double Wings,
Pocket Gal DX |
QFP 94 |
Fix Eight (sound)
Dogyuun (sound)
Knuckle Bash (sound)
Grindstorm, VFive, Batsugun (sound)
Knuckle Bash (sound)
Positively identified as an NEC V25+ or V35+ |
Kaneko Beast
Kaneko Mermaid |
DIP 40
DIP40 |

DJ Boy and maybe others.
(Possibly an 8041-based MCU)
Taito/Kaneko's Heavy Unit. Identified as an 8051 MCU which is protected. |
Hitachi HD647180 |
QFP 80
PLCC 84 |

Many Toaplan games including Teki Paki, Vimana, Ghox, Whoopie (sound CPU
containing ROM)
Master Boy (Main CPU containing ROM) I've attempted to dump this using the
newest BP Micro programmer and it's 100% protected. Update: Dumped by Charles! |
Hitachi FD1094
CRACKED! See my FD1094 page for more info. |
DIP 64 |
Many Sega System 16/18/24 games.
(Main CPU; Encrypted 68000 with battery-backed RAM containing decryption tables
encased in a block of epoxy resin) |
Hitachi H8/3002
Emulated! |
QFP 100 |
Namco System 12. (Sound CPU and protection.)
Fortunately this doesn't contain internal ROM, it's now emulated :-) |
C69, C70, C71, C72, C73, C74, C75, C76
C69 Dumped!
C70 Dumped!
C71 Dumped!
C72 Dumped!
C74 Dumped!
C75 Dumped!
C76 Dumped! |
QFP 80 |
All games running on
Namco System 11, 22, FL, NA1, NA2, NB1, NB2. (Sound CPU with 16K internal ROM)
This is positively identified as a Mitsubishi M37702. It's trojanable, we're
working on it :-)
Dallas DS5002 |
QFP 80 |
Many Gaelco PCB's including World Rally 1 & 2. It's an 8051-based MCU. Code for the
MCU is contained in a battery-backed and read protected RAM, generally
comprising of main program
code or patches. The code is encrypted and the key is held inside the DS5002. If you try to read the RAM, the
DS5002 detects it and suicides
itself and the RAM! REAL nasty stuff......
Update: Code for World Rally supplied by Gaelco. Many Thanks!! |
Kaneko MCU's |
QFP 74 |
Jackie Chan, Shogun Warriors, BRap Boys, Blood Warrior + more
(Multi-CPU communications, protection and main program code snippets). Trojaning
is possible, we're working on it. |
NMK MCU's (NMK004 etc) |
Macross, Gun Nail, Thunder Dragon + more
(Sound CPU with 16K internal ROM) This is likely a Toshiba TMP91P640N (TLCS-90
based), which should be dumpable with the right equipment. Update: Attempted to
dump it, but unfortunately the chip is protected. I believe some work is being
attempted to simulate it, not sure. |
Konami's custom IC's (05xxxx etc) |
Many, many Konami PCB's
(Mostly used for protection and graphics functions) |
68705 |
DIP 28 |
Many PCB's
(Containing read protected code ranging from simple I/O support to lookup tables
and code snippets) |
63701 |
SDIP 64 |
Several PCB's including some Technos games.
(Containing read protected code ranging from simple I/O support to lookup tables
and code snippets) |
Totals 1000's of PCB's
(PALs used as logic devices. CPLDs used as logic and encryption devices, PICs
have internal ROM with code that is protected from reading, usually) |
Updates will follow as I find out more......
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