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Some Namco System 10 PCBs
Trojaning Rig.....

This page hosts a listing of all known Namco System 10 games so I can keep track of what is dumped and what is still needed.

Here is a brief history.....
  • 2003 July: I dumped the first Namco System 10 game, Mr Driller 2 Japan DR21 Ver.A. It's encrypted and doesn't work in MAME.
  • 2004-2006: A bunch more System 10 games were dumped and added to MAME. All are encrypted and nothing works in MAME.
  • 2007-2017: Some more System 10 games have been dumped. A lot of decryption work was done by Andreas Naive around 2015 or 2016 and things are starting to look better but all of the games are heavily encrypted so nothing is working in MAME.
  • 2023 March: There was a breakthrough by WindyFairy and finally Mr Driller 2 is working in MAME! This is HUGE news as this system has been non-working for almost exactly 20 years since the first System 10 dump was done. Everyone is excited and I expect more progress to follow pretty quickly.
  • 2023 April: All the dumped games have been decrypted and are working in MAME except Taiko no Tatsujin 3, Taiko no Tatsujin 5 and Point Blank 3/Gunbalina. For some reason these games have tougher or just different protection and have not been decrypted yet. However everything else is working and will be playable in MAME 0.254 released at the end of April.
  • 2023 April 24th: I was talking to some of the devs on and there was talk about trojaning the boards to get the last 3 games working. This obviously means I need to get involved heh! So in preparation to see if running trojans on the board was possible I did 6 NAND re-programming tests just trying to get some blank NAND ROMs to accept the same identical stock dumped code without changes and run on several different PCBs. To my surprise just copying the ROM to a new NAND and running on the board doesn't work! 3 attempts failed then one worked but I had no idea why. Another try failed, then another one worked and we eventually figured it out. The devs said they would work on some trojans and I went to bed as it was ~2am the next day at that point.
  • 2023 April 25th: The next morning I woke up to find some trojans in my inbox. I ran 4 trojans (written by WindyFairy) on my boards for Taiko No Tatsujin 3, Taiko No Tatsujin 5 and Point Blank 3. The first one was a test to see if we could get the whole decrypted program but it failed to do anything. After some changes to the code by WindyFairy it worked but with limited capacity. These trojans let the game run as normal and decrypt to RAM (all these games run unencrypted code directly from the main board DRAM) and then write the first 16kB of it to the first NAND (EEPROM / high score / settings) writable area which I then removed and dumped. This gave us the first 16kB of the main program with full plaintext / unencrypted code. Unfortunately only 16kB is writable due to the keycus controlling the NANDs, otherwise we could have got the entire 4MB main RAM address space and the complete fully decrypted program hehe! As a result, within 3 hours Taiko no Tatsujin 3 was decrypted and 20 minutes later Taiko no Tatsujin 5 was decrypted. It kind of makes sense that Namco might put in more effort to better protect Point Blank 3 as this is one of their flagship products. Anyway, two down and only one to go then we're done ;-)
  • 2023 April 26th: Point Blank 3 requires possibly many more trojans so I've attached a TSOP48 ZIF socket to the board so I can re-program and swap the NAND quickly. Check the pic at the top right of this page. I have 2x TSOP48 adapters so one is now a permanent part of Point Blank 3 and the other is plugged into my EPROM programmer for reading and writing the NAND ROMs. I ran 8 more trojans which took a total time of about 30 minutes which is significantly faster than before as that would have taken probably about 5-6 hours the old way. Let's see how long it holds up and if it leads to successful decryption :-)
  • 2023 April 29th: I dumped 62x 16kB blocks which took about 2 days then I discovered there's an unpopulated and unprotected serial port on the board so I informed Windy Fairy and he wrote a serial dumping program. Check the news on the main page April 29th 2023 for the details. All dumped games are working!
  • There are no more dumped System 10 games to emulate. If you own any of the undumped games and/or are thinking of acquiring some and dumping them yourself check the full actual 1:1 size Namco System 10 PCB pic at the top center of this page (or click here) to see just what sort of pain and trouble you are getting yourself into and also pay particular attention to point #2 below ^_^
Please note the following.....
  1. I have not dumped ALL of the games listed in green, but I do own most of them (20) and I have dumped all the boards I have access to (marked with *) including redumping some that other people did in the past that were bad/incomplete and ALL my dumps are good ;-)
  2. The remaining undumped System 10 games are likely to be extremely rare and probably expensive. They are very time consuming to dump and require an extreme level of dumping skill and time and patience beyond what most people have. I have lots of equipment, 20+ years of experience, lots of skill, lots of time (I retired from working a normal day job in 2015) and lots of spare System 10 boards. ESPECIALLY if trojaning the game is required afterwards you must use spare NAND chips that have to be removed, erased, reprogrammed, replaced, run, removed and read multiple times depending on how many trojans need to be run on the board.... NEVER overwrite the original ROMs and hope it's going to work afterwards! NAND ROMs have bad blocks and vary from chip to chip. No two chips are the same so you can't just use any random NAND ROM it won't work... you need a NAND with zero bad blocks which are not easy to find. The tiny TSOP48 NAND Flash ROMs are very difficult to remove due to a massive ground plane on both sides of the board that sucks heat away and causes the lead-free solder to not melt very easily. They are extremely fragile (1mm thick), have 48 legs spaced apart by only 0.5mm and can be snapped in half with two fingers or blown-up/cracked if over-heated. When removed they have old solder on them, likely with that old solder shorting the legs together and must be cleaned properly so they look like new before reading them with an EPROM programmer that fully supports reading and writing these specific NAND chips. They should not be messed with unless you have the proper equipment and years of experience with surface mounted soldering. Don't take the risk of destroying your precious board... send it to me and I'll dump it properly and the board will still be in working condition. Or you can play Russian Roulette with your rare and undumped board and see what happens. You've been warned ;-)
  3. If you would like to donate towards buying Namco System 10 games, go to this page
  4. If you want to donate/loan some Namco System 10 PCBs or sell me your undumped board(s), contact me
Wanted = 19 (plus at least 10-15 unknown/missing games)
Fully Dumped but not working in MAME = 6
Working in MAME = 34
BAD DUMP. Lack of redumps suggests these are actually 'Wanted' unless they are redumped from the same PCB which could have been flipped and no longer available so the previous bad dumps are now no-dump.
For any dump (new dump or redump), due to NAND bad blocks changing for each flash chip you MUST DUMP ALL THE ROMs not just the bad ones.

N A M C O   S Y S T E M 10   G A M E S
- I own and have dumped all the PCBs with * before the game name (20 games).
- To find out why previous dumps were bad or how to dump the NAND ROMs go to the info section at the bottom.
- There is a Japanese page here with some more possible System 10 games. If you are the owner of that site please contact me
   to confirm more info about the games.

Game Name

Code ROM Status Prot. IC I/O Brd Comments
Aim for Cash (Namco, 2004)
(only released in Europe)
Ball Pom Line (Namco, 2005) WORKING KC039AMGEXI0
Casino Winner (Namco, 2004)
Crayon Shin-chan Chocobi Hunter Shinnosuke (Namco, 200?)
CCS1 Ver.A KC049A
Diathlon (Namco, 2004) (title not confirmed)
Dice ROM (Namco, 2004) (this might be Diathlon)
Dokidoki! Flower (Namco, 2004)
*GAHAHA Ippatsudou (Namco, 2000) WORKING KC005AEXI0
*GAHAHA Ippatsudou 2 (Namco, 2001) WORKING KC008AEXI0
Gamshara (World) (Mitchell, 2002) 20020912A ETC WORKING KC020Anone
*Gamshara (Japan) (Mitchell, 2002) 10021 Ver.A
20020716A JPN
20020716A ETC
DIPSW 4+8 ON shows ETC and english text
Gegege no Kitaro Yokai Yokocho Matsuri De Batoru Ja (Namco, 2007) GYM1 Ver.A KC052AMGEXI0
*Gekitoride-Jong Space (Metro, 2001) 10011 Ver.A WORKING KC003Anone
*Golgo 13: Juusei no Requiem (Namco,Eighting,Raizing, 2001) GLT1 Ver.A WORKING KC009Anone
Hajime no Ippo: The Fighting (Taito, 2001)
Hajime no Ippo 2: The Fighting Round 2 (Taito, 2002)
VER.2.00J WORKINGF06-03none
Honne Hakkenki (Namco, 2001)
Kacho Fugetsu (Namco, 200?)
KFU1 Ver.A KC028A
Keroro Gunso Chikyu Shinryaku Shirei Dearimasu! (Namco, 2006 KRG1 Ver.A WORKING KC047A1MGEXI0
Knockdown 2001 / KO 2001 (Namco, 2001)
*Kono e Taco (Mitchell, 2003) RAN Ver.A WORKING KC034Anone
Kotoba no Puzzle: Mojipittan (Namco, 2001) KPM1 Ver.A WORKING KC012AEXIO
(unknown) maybe another Medal no Tatsujin
MTD1 SPR0A KC04?A Looks like KC043 maybe but sticker is different, likely part of the same satellite system
Medal no Tatsujin (Namco, 2005) MTL1 SPR0B WORKING KC043AEXFINAL
Medal no Tatsujin (Namco, 2005) MTL1 SPR0A KC043AEXFINAL
*Medal no Tatsujin 2 (Namco, 2007) MTA1001 STMPR0AWORKING KC048AEXFINAL
*Mr. Driller G (Namco, 2001) DRG1 Ver.A1 WORKING KC007Anone
*Mr. Driller 2 (Namco, 2000, Japan) DR21 Ver.A3 WORKING KC001Anone
Mr. Driller 2 (Namco, 2000, World) DR22 Ver.A WORKING KC001Anone
Mr. Driller 2 (Namco, 2000, US) DR23 Ver.A WORKING KC001Anone
Mr. Driller 2 Super Dash Turbo (Namco, 2000)
NFL Classic Football (Namco, 2003) NCF3 Ver.A WORKING KC027AEXI0
Pacman Ball (Namco, 2003) PMB2 Ver.A KC026A?
*Panikuru Panekuru (Namco, 2001) PPA1 Ver.A WORKING KC017Anone
Peter the Shepherd (Namco, 2003)
PTS1 Ver.C KC029A
Phantom Ship (Namco, 2004)
Photo Battle (Namco, 2000)
*Point Blank 3 (Namco, 2000, World) GNN2 Ver.A WORKING KC002AEXI0(G)
Point Blank 3 (Namco, 2000, Japan) (Gunbalina) GNN1 Ver.A WORKING KC002AEXI0(G)
Puzz Ball (Namco, 2002) PZB1 Ver.A WORKING KC013AMGEXI0
Puzz Ball (Namco, 2002)
Puzz Cube (Namco, 2005)
*Seishun-Quiz Colorful Highschool (Namco, 2002) CHS1 Ver.A WORKING KC025Anone
Sekai Kaseki Hakken (Namco, 2004) SKH1 Ver.B WORKING KC035AMGEXI0
Sekai Kaseki Hakken (Namco, 2004) SKH1 Ver.A KC035AMGEXI0
Shamisen Brothers (Kato's/Konami, 2003)
KT-SB2 Ver.A KC038Anone
Slot no Oujisama / Slot Prince (Namco, 2002)
Slot no Oujisama / Slot Prince (Namco, 2002)
*Star Trigon (Namco, 2002) STT1 Ver.A WORKING KC019Anone
Sugorotic Japan (Namco, 2002) STJ1 Ver.A KC014AMGEXI0
Sugorotic Japan (Namco, 2002) STJ1 Ver.C WORKING KC014AMGEXI0
Taiko no Tatsujin (Namco, 2000)
TKT1 Ver.A KC004A
*Taiko no Tatsujin 2 (Namco, 2001) TK21 Ver.C
CD: TK21-A
*Taiko no Tatsujin 3 (Namco, 2002) TK31 Ver.A6
CD: TK31-A
*Taiko no Tatsujin 4 (Namco, 2002) TK41 Ver.A
CD: TK-4
*Taiko no Tatsujin 5 (Namco, 2003)
TK51 Ver.A8
CD: TK-5
*Taiko no Tatsujin 6 (Namco, 2004) TK61 Ver.A7
CD: TK-6
Taiko no Tatsujin RT Nippon no Kokoro (Namco, 2004)
CD: TK-NCD dump is dirty (files copied by hand and CD burned). It 'works' but a proper dump from the original CD will eventually be needed.
*Tsukkomi Yousei Gips Nice Tsukkomi (Metro, 2002) NTK1 Ver.A WORKING KC018Anone
*Uchuu Daisakusen - Chocovader Contactee (Namco, 2002) CVC1 Ver.A1 WORKING KC022Anone

Obvious Missing Prot ICs:
    - KC015A
    - KC021A
    - KC030A
    - KC032A
    - KC033A
    - KC037A
    - KC040A
    - KC044A
    - KC045A
    - KC046A
    - KC050A
    - KC051A

(Last game was KC0052A which is known)

Notes from Guru:
1. Mr Driller 2 uses normal flash ROM / mask ROM which is why the dumps are good. Most EPROM programmer manufacturers don't support NAND ROMs correctly even if they say they do. That is why there are several incorrect NAND-based game dumps. These early NAND ROMs are highly unstable and susceptible to rot and/or degradation of the data. The System 10 boards need to be secured and dumped ASAP!
2. Why are the dumps bad? NANDs have bad blocks but most EPROM programmers expect people to want only the good data so they skip those by default but that screws up the dump because Namco knows about the bad block table and jumps to the good block via a block location table at the start of the ROM. If the bad blocks are not in the dump the good data is in the wrong place so the bad block holes need to be there in the dump. The program knows where the bad blocks are and will skip them. If you dump NAND ROMs always do a full dump of all 1024 blocks, sometimes called 'Hard Copy' or 'Treat All Blocks' or 'Full Address Read' and also dump the spare area too. For one dump that had damaged ROMs that most likely happened because that person didn't have the correct equipment and enough knowledge and experience to handle the fragile TSOP48 NAND ROMs. Pay particular attention to the second paragraph listed above the game listing. If you have never done it before don't try to play russian routlette with your board because you will not be successful and you will most likely break it beyond any kind of possibility of a repair. You've been warned.
3. The list of working EPROM programmers that have been verified(*) to correctly dump the Samsung K9F2808U0x NAND ROMs are..... (*) verified means it boots IN MAME - Xeltec SuperPro 3000U (Guru has this). NAND settings are UBA start block: 0000, RBA start block: 0400, Boot start block: 0000, Size of UBA blocks: 0400, Size of RBA blocks: 0000, Size of boot blocks: 0001, Spare Area (ECC): Used, Bad Block Handling Mode: Hard Copy, Boot Check Assert: Enabled. For K9F5608 replace 0400 with 0800. - TL866iiPlus (TeamEurope dumped unks10md with it and WindyFairy says the dump looks fine) - Beeprog2C (user size area 1024 and select Treat All Blocks so the whole chip is dumped including bad blocks and full spare area) - Hilo ALL-100 with special NAND Module (Guru has this) - EETools Topmax II (Guru has this). Algorithm: Physical Address Read, Start Block 0, End Block 1023. Spare Area: User Data. Works with correct NAND settings. Default settings don't even read the chip, just get a message 'Too Many Bad Blocks' then stops. - XGecu T56 (Guru has this). Works well with default settings.
4. Some games that require a CDROM show boot-up color bars, FOR USE IN JAPAN message then a black screen if the CDROM is not hooked up and working. Currently only the Taiko no Tatsujin games are known to do this. Guru has redumped the physical CDROMs for TK2, TK4 and TK6 as MODE1_RAW with sub-channel data. These should be better 'archival quality' dumps.
5. There are no alternative versions with the same software revision/sticker. If you dump one of these games and get a different dump it means you didn't clear the factory defaults in test mode and some highscores are still in the NAND ROM. There is no eeprom on these boards, highscores etc and stored in the NAND. Before dumping go to test mode and reset to factory defaults. Additionally, due to NAND ROMs having bad blocks, a dump from 2 identical boards can be different. Just remember, if the game is listed as dumped check the version number sticker or in Test mode. Likely it will be the same as the existing dump listed here which means it's already dumped so just move on ;-)
6. Games marked GREEN are done and fully working. No need to look further.

Information About Checking Dumps
WindyFairy wanted to pass along these instructions to do a first-pass check on System 10 dumps. This is a quick python script for testing:
An easy way to tell if a dump is likely to be good is to open the first NAND file (ROM at location 8E) in a hex editor to look at the redirect table at the top.
Look for 0001 yyyy (where y is usually 03ff or 03fe) which means to redirect x to block y. Calculate the absolute offset using y * 0x4200 and check data at offset. The most common offsets are 0x1076e00 and 0x1077c00. But you need to understand how to calculate the offsets because they won't always be 0x3ff or 0x3fe. The table (listed below) is an example of the invalid NAND block table in the ROM and they reserve all of the upper blocks after 0x3ec for redirected blocks. The Point Blank 3 dump for example has a bad block 0x3ff (marked as bad from the factory from the looks of it) so it uses 0x3fe, but if 0x3fe was also a factory marked bad block then they'd used 0x3fd, etc. When you look at the table at the top of the ROM dump, you will see data like this.... x y 0001 03ff 0002 03fe 0003 03fd 0004 03fc ... The game uses this table to build a list of table mappings internally. It will remap block x to y (not exactly, in the game it's actually something like x+8 but you don't need to worry about that). You calculate y * 0x4200 to get the absolute address of in the ROM dump to where the block is pointed to. So 0x3ff * 0x4200 = 0x107be00 means that you open the ROM and go to offset 0x107be00 and check the data there. That's the first encrypted program code block and if that's not valid data then it's almost surely not going to boot.
You should see one of two things typically: - A bunch of random looking bytes. - A bunch of bytes that aren't as random and you will probably spot an above normal number of AAs in the data because all of the code in that section will be XOR'd with AA. You *may* see a bunch of AAs depending on the dump, but typically not only AAs for the very first redirect block.
What you should not see is: - A bunch of FFs. This means you have not dumped ALL of the ROM blocks. Be sure you dump all 1024 blocks. EPROM programmers have settings for NAND ROMs and the defaults seen so far are less than 1024 (in hex: 0x0400). This is the primary reason why there were so many bad dumps before. People just assumed the EPROM programmer was dumping it all like what would be done with a regular ROM. NAND ROMs are different and you need to tell the EPROM programmer to dump all the blocks including the bad blocks. - The word "darkscript" (due to endianness it'll be shown as "adkrcsirtp"). This is a block that's duplicated in all of the later blocks on all of the NANDs for a game. I think it's just a way they dummied out blocks reserved for redirect usage, but that's speculation. I haven't been able to find a game that tries to use a darkscript block and it's absolutely not the program code, so if that's what you see when you go to the redirected block it's likely a bad dump.

Check the MAME source code for more detailed info about the format of the NAND data.....

Updates will follow as more games are discovered and dumoed......

If you want to see less RED and more GREEN here, please consider donating.

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