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Sega Model 2, 2A, 2B & 2C
Status Page

Since many people are interested to know the status of Sega Model 2/2A/2B/2C dumps, here's a listing with all the info I know so far.

Please note the following.....
  • If you would like to donate towards buying one of the remaining undumped Sega Model 2A/2B/2C PCBs, contact me.
  • If you want to donate/loan some PCB's, contact me.
  • To progress further with Model 2 and 2A, we need some _serious_ info on the hardware. Most of this info is classified and unreleased. If anyone happens to have access to info on the custom IC's used on Model 2 PCB's please let us know! In particular we need opcode info on the Fujitsu TGP chips, we don't need info on SHARC (Model 2B) or TGP4X (Model 2C), just plain old TGP, used on Model 1, 2 & 2A (that's Fujitsu part number MB86233). This chip is a coprocessor and is used extensively to create the 3D objects. So without emulation of this chip, there are no 3D graphics :-(
    Update - Most of this information has now been reverse engineered and graphics are showing :-)

    Note, Model 1/2x uses the following graphics co-processor IC's....
    HardwareSega Part NumberActual Part NumberQty
    Model 1315-5571Fujitsu MB862332
    Model 1315-5572Fujitsu MB862332
    Model 1315-5573Fujitsu MB862331
    Model 2315-5673Fujitsu MB862341
    Model 2315-5677Fujitsu MB862341
    Model 2315-5678Fujitsu MB862342
    Model 2315-5679Fujitsu MB862342
    Model 2 (later) has updated 315-5679B
    Model 2A315-5573Fujitsu MB862341
    Model 2A315-5677Fujitsu MB862341
    Model 2A315-5678Fujitsu MB862342
    Model 2A315-5679BFujitsu MB862342
    Model 2A (later) have some updated revisions....
    Model 2A315-5677AFujitsu MB862341
    Model 2A315-5678AFujitsu MB862342
    Model 2A315-5679CFujitsu MB862342
    Model 2B- (none)Analog Devices ADSP-21062 SHARC2
    Model 2C- (none)Analog Devices ADSP-21062 SHARC2

  • Click the thumbnails to see larger pics. Remember that these screenshots are VERY preliminary, so some of the graphics are missing.
  • These games are emulated by Nebula, and partly emulated by MAME. Sound has been added to all of the the games that are emulated, though it's not perfect and requires more CPU power than currently available PC's have to offer to play at full speed. It's estimated that the minimum CPU required to play the "playable" games is a P4 3GHz or faster without sound. With sound enabled, you would need a dual-core processor at 3GHz greater (50GHz recommended), though with a Pentium D 3.6GHz, it's very playable in Nebula, but not too fast in MAME due to lack of CPU power.



Dumped, but either untested in the emulator, or it's unknown if the set is good or bad due to emulation related problems.
Dumped and OK
Not Dumped... yet ;-)
Partially Dumped BUT BAD (hehe, not dumped by me though! Needs to be redumped because some ROMs are badly dumped. I.E. We need to buy or loan the PCB or ROMs again.)

M O D E L  2
General Comments: All dumps good, 3D working but emulation of the 3D Co-Processors is on-going.

Game Name

Status Comments Emulation Screenshots
Model 2 main board ROMs (surface mounted) GOOD The surface mounted ROMs are now dumped (by me :-)
They contain TGP related data tables. The smt ROMs are located on the CPU board and are labelled....

There's also some surface mounted ROMs on the video board. These are labelled....
and are linked to 315-5645


Daytona USA GOOD Working OK, playable
Daytona USA : Turbo GOOD Working OK, playable Pics same as above, except title screen flashes "Start is Turbo" instead of "Insert Coins".
Daytona USA : To The Maxx GOOD Working OK, playable Pics similar to above except title screen says "Daytona to the Maxx" etc

Desert Tank

GOOD Working OK, playable

Virtua Cop

GOOD Working OK, playable

General Comments: All dumps good, 3D working but emulation of the 3D Co-Processors is on-going.

Game Name

Status Comments Emulation Screenshots
Model 2A main board ROMs (surface mounted) GOOD The surface mounted ROMs are now dumped (by me :-)
They contain TGP related data tables. The smt ROMs are located on the CPU board and are labelled....
OPR-14742A \
OPR-14743A /  Linked to 315-5674
OPR-14744    \
OPR-14745    /  Linked to 315-5679B
OPR-14746    \
OPR-14747    /  Linked to 315-5679B

There's also some surface mounted ROMs on the video board. These are labelled....
and are linked to 315-5645


Dead or Alive GOOD Working OK, playable

Uses a security board (Sega part #838-12927). It's a small PCB containing some logic IC's, RAM chip and some custom Sega IC's on the bottom. It appears this board creates a lookup table, but is mostly unused according to the main program code.
   Here's the IC listing.

Version exists for Sega Model 2A & 2B. This same ROMset can be used on Model 2A and 2B boards by simply putting the ROMs into their correct places. However the PROGRAM ROMs are different. Both 2A and 2B versions are dumped.

Same as the 2B version
Dynamite Cop GOOD Versions are available for 2A, 2B and 2C. Working OK, playable Same as the 2B version
Manx TT GOOD Working OK, playable
Moto Raid GOOD Working OK, playable

Pilot Kids

GOOD Working OK, playable Same as the 2B version

Sega Rally Championship

GOOD Working OK, playable

Sega Rally Pro Drivin'

GOOD This is a hack ROM upgrade for Sega Rally boards, comprising of 2 EPROMs and a plug in pack encased in red epoxy (probably containing a PIC like the Daytona Maxx hack).
This is now emulated, the protection was fairly weak :-)
Of course, it's just like Sega Rally, so it's working OK, playable

Sky Target

GOOD Working OK, playable

Virtua Cop 2

GOOD Working OK, playable

Virtua Fighter 2

GOOD Working OK, playable
Original version plus revisions A & B dumped.

Zero Gunner GOOD Working OK, playable Same as the 2B version

General Comments: All the games dumped are close to perfect.

Game Name

Status Comments Emulation Screenshots
Dead Or Alive GOOD Working OK, playable
Dynamite Baseball GOOD Working OK, playable
Dynamite Baseball 97 GOOD Working OK, playable
Dynamite Cop GOOD Working OK, playable
Fighting Vipers GOOD Working OK, playable
Gun Blade NY GOOD Working OK, playable
Indy 500 GOOD Working OK, playable

Last Bronx Tokyo Bangaichi

GOOD Working OK, playable

Over Rev

GOOD Made by Jaleco in 1997, seems VERY rare.
ROMset secured from a very old archive from a friend who dumped it. We need a redump of the sound ROMs because they're dumped at half size. Unfortunately the PCB is not available now. Game works OK though.
Update: I got hold of a redump and the dump is now good. Working OK, playable

Pilot Kids

GOOD Working OK, playable
Rail Chase 2 GOOD Working OK, playable  
Sonic Championship
Sonic The Fighters

Working OK, playable
Super GT 24H GOOD Working OK, playable
Virtua Striker GOOD Working OK, playable
Virtual On - Cyber Troopers GOOD Working OK, playable
Zero Gunner GOOD Working OK, playable

General Comments: All the games dumped are close to perfect.

Game Name

Status Comments Emulation Screenshots
Behind Enemy Lines GOOD Working OK, playable
Dynamite Cop GOOD Versions are available for 2A, 2B and *possibly* 2C.  2A and 2B versions are dumped.
Update: I've recently discovered that there was a 2C version. However, almost all (if not all) of them were converted to House Of The Dead because that game makes more money (and arcade games are ALL about making money, remember)
Another update: We found a 2C Dynamite Cop. Dumped! Working OK, playable
House Of The Dead, The GOOD Working OK, playable

Power Sled

ND Send me a PCB or ROMset so I can dump it!  

Sega Ski Super G

GOOD Working OK, playable

Sega Touring Car Championship

GOOD Working OK, playable

Sega Water Ski


Top Skater

GOOD Working OK, playable

Wave Runner

GOOD Working OK, playable  

Updates will follow as I find out more......  

If you want to see more games here, please consider donating.

The Guru's ROM Dump News