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Useful Eagle PCB Designs

Guru's Useful Eagle PCB Designs Page

Last update: 11th November 2022

This page contains some very nice and very useful Eagle PCB Designs. Most of the items here are new designs to improve old things although some are obsolete things from the 80's that have been resurrected. The purpose of this is to provide an online backup in one place, instead of them being scattered all over the internet.

Many of these projects are freely available on the net if you look, although some are abandoned/dead and others are not available anywhere. Many of these have been picked up by people and are being sold commercially as well. If you just want the item and have no desire to learn or build these, this page is not for you. Just buy them from somewhere and move on.
Some items have been reverse-engineered by me because they were unavailable. This is nothing new. Many things have been reverse-engineered by many people over the years, including 50000 games in MAME, custom parts for arcade PCBs, even complete Amiga computers such as the Amiga 500, Amiga 2000 and Amiga 1200.

Some items were made by other people and publicly released for free. Some have sadly been abandoned and those items became unavailable even though there was a demand for them. Those items are now available again. Some items are a great idea but not enough time was spent cleaning up the design or ironing out the problems, or the design was too big, or some parts being used were expensive or not available. In most cases there is always a part available that is much cheaper and does the same thing if you just put in some time and do some research. In a lot of cases I have solved those problems and re-done everything a better way in Eagle PCB and made it as small as possible because PCBs cost money and the smaller they are, the cheaper they are. This is the main theme on this page.... smaller, cheaper, better and more functional. In other cases an item here is purely a mirror backup of something that is no longer supported by the original designer but is in risk of becoming unavailable in the future, while in other cases it is merely here for its beautiful design and amazing complexity :- )

Build Levels are: Beginner --> Intermediate --> Advanced --> SMD Master --> PCB Pick'n'Place Machine

Gerbers can be sent to any PCB manufacturer such as Osh Park, PCBWay or JLCPCB or any of the dozens of Chinese PCB manufacturers and produced fairly cheaply. Bear in mind larger PCBs or larger quantities are better produced in China where manufacturing costs are greatly reduced. I recommend JLCPCB for that as they are the cheapest and provide very good service and quality. Osh Park was fairly cheap but has since become far too expensive for hobby projects.
Most PCB houses have no-bullshit instant online file upload method (simply upload zipped Gerbers or native Kicad/Eagle PCB files) and instant auto-generated PCBs that can be checked immediately. It's pretty amazing and very efficient and user-friendly. With Osh Park there's a small delay while they collect other designs and panelize everything but if you are making PCBs you should expect some delay anyway. If you want a super fast 1-day service you *WILL* pay for it. It is far better to wait a few days and get them at a much more reasonable price.

Note the 'purple' pics are auto-generated images provided by the Osh Park web site when PCB designs are submitted for manufacture. Green PCB pics were generated by Eagle V9.6

This page will be under construction until all the projects I'm interested in are listed here.

Item Description Image
1. Taito TC0070RGB Module
Based on the circuit reversed by JRok. PCB layout by Guru
Build Level: Advanced (150mil IC's, 0805 resistors etc)
Taito TC0070 RGB Custom Module
Size: 22.9mm x 50.8mm (2 Layer)
2. G-nano SwinSID
This is based on the SwinSID designed by 'Swinkels' then further reduced by 'x1541' to the nano version and then sold by 'sinchai'. I replaced the silly micro-programming pins with a standard AVR programming header and used all SMD parts, added a LED, optimized the layout and tracks and added a parts listing on the bottom. This has a later bug-fixed firmware. It works fine for most C64 games (including Alien and Lazy Jones) and is definitely better than a dead SID or no SID ;-)
This board replaces a SID 6581/8580 in any C64 model
Reversed by Guru with some small modifications, optimizations, clean-ups etc
Build Level: Intermediate (DIP, QFP32, 0805 resistors etc)
SwinSID nano
SwinSID nano
Size: 17.8mm x 35.6mm (2 Layer)
3. GBA1000 Motherboard rev 4
This is an A3000-spec replacement motherboard with a couple of enhancements that fits into an A1000 case and was designed by G.Braun (circa ~2006). The Osh Park web site does not render the board pics properly so my guess is this board is too complex for them to produce correctly. To give you an idea just how complex this is, look at the multiple pics showing the various gerber files. It is probably best to get them made in China in quantities >50 with a bulk collaboration of many people to get the price down to 2-figures, otherwise you're looking at 4-figures to make 1 ;-)
It's pretty nice but really it isn't as good as an A1200 with a 68030 accelerator but I built this just for fun. I didn't bother to populate the serial port since it's non-standard on the A1000 (the GBA1000 designer didn't correct that error, urgghh!) and nowadays no one is using a serial port for anything.
Build Level: PCB Pick'n'Place Machine
GBA1000 Motherboard GBA1000 Motherboard
GBA1000 Motherboard, Silkscreen GBA1000 Motherboard, Top Layer GBA1000 Motherboard, Inner Layer 1
GBA1000 Motherboard, Inner Layer 2 GBA1000 Motherboard, Bottom Layer GBA1000 Motherboard, Drills/Holes
GBA1000 Motherboard Fully Assembled

Size: 344.5mm x 314.0mm (4 Layer)
4. GRAKA Rev 3.3 Picasso II-compatible Zorro-II Graphic Card (suits GBA1000 but will actually plug into any Amiga Zorro-II slot) by G.Braun
Build Level: SMD Master
GRAKA 3.3 Picasso II-compatible Amiga RTG Graphic Card
Size: 140.4mm x 123.8mm (4 Layer)
5. TK-02 MC68060 Turbo Card by G.Braun (suits GBA1000)
Build Level: SMD Master
TK-02 68060 Accelerator Card
Size: 147.0mm x 98.0mm (4 Layer)
6. System 32 Trackball Interface
(replaces 837-8685 and 834-6180)
Reversing and PCB Layout by Guru (more info here)
Build Level: Beginner
System 32 Trackball Interface
Size: 79.8mm x 99.6mm (2 Layer)
7. 2364 Mask ROM Adapter
This can be plugged into a socket that once required a 24 pin 2364 mask ROM. For example it can replace any of the ROMs on the early C64 motherboards and the ROMs used in the 1541 floppy drive
PCB Design & Layout by Guru
Build Level: Intermediate
2364 mask ROM adapter
Size: 30.3mm x 17.5mm (2 Layer)
8. 2364 Mask ROM Adapter
Similar to #7, but using a 28C64 EEPROM. This can be plugged into a socket that once required a 24 pin 2364 mask ROM. For example it can replace any of the ROMs on the early C64 motherboards and the ROMs used in the 1541 floppy drive
PCB Design & Layout by Guru
Build Level: Beginner
2364 mask ROM adapter using 28C64 EEPROM
Size: 30.5mm x 17.8mm (2 Layer)
9. C64 Lumafix
Used to reduce the vertical stripes produced by the C64 video chip. This actually isn't that useful and really does nothing. There are some good ways to get a better picture on the C64 but this isn't one of them ;-)
Designed by e5frog
Build Level: Intermediate
C64 Lumafix
Size: 50.9mm x 27.3mm (2 Layer)
10. C64 Switchless Quad Kernal Adapter
Allows C64 to switch between 4 kernal images using the RESTORE key. An Easy Flash 3 cart does that and offers a lot more and is a better option IMO.
Designed by bwack
Build Level: Beginner
C64 Switchless Quad Kernal Adapter
Size: 45.2mm x 22.9mm (2 Layer)
11. 1 MEG 28-pin 831000 mask ROM Adapter
Replace your faulty 28 pin 1MB mask ROMs with this adapter which has the same footprint as the original ROM
PCB Design & Layout by Guru
Build Level: Intermediate to Advanced (0.5mm pitch TSOP32)
1 MEG 28-pin 831000 mask ROM Adapter
Size: 35.6mm x 17.8mm (2 Layer)
12. C64 & Plus/4 PLA Replacement
Based on the reverse-engineered PLA replacement heavily documented by 'skoe' but modified to use a modern Atmel CPLD (FYI most, if not all the current ~$25 replacements are based on that same one done by 'skoe')
PCB Design & Layout by Guru. Total build price including parts for one complete PCB = $3.50. This is actually the *real* price of any of the PLA replacements you can currently buy.... there's about 2 bucks worth of parts on it regardless.
Build Level: Intermediate
Very Low Cost C64 PLA Replacement.... $3.50 complete!
Size: 35.6mm x 17.8mm (2 Layer)
13. Easy Flash 3 C64 cartridge
Designed by 'skoe' (2012)
Build Level: Advanced to SMD Master
Easy Flash 3 cartridge for C64
Size: 83.6mm x 62.0mm (2 Layer)
14. C64 Joystick Swapper
Now you can have one joystick plugged in and switch between port 1 and port 2 with the press of a button... no more manually unplugging and plugging joysticks and risking blowing up the CIAs in the process. Reversed by Guru from an abandoned protel design which died in ~2015. Re-designed to be much smaller and stand upright
Build Level: Intermediate
C64 Joystick Switcher
C64 Joystick Switcher
Size: 45.7mm x 27.9mm (2 Layer)
15. C64 ISEPIC Cartridge
Back in 1984/85/86 this was used to snapshot an entire game running in the memory of the C64 and dump it to a file on the 1541 floppy drive. It's mainly just a novelty now. I reversed this from the original cart I bought back in 1986. I wanted to try to make a full SMD version just for fun..... this is the result.
This is re-designed to be much smaller and use all SMD parts. Note this is not a drop-in replacement for the original PCB. If you want one of those, there is a place selling a drop-in replacement for 10X what this PCB costs. It would be very easy to make the PCB larger to make it a drop-in replacement and the cost would still be less than 1/4 of the one being sold. If enough people contact me and request it, it can be done. But as I said, this is a novelty item now so for the amount of times it will actually be used, this smaller (and thus cheaper!) PCB is just fine.
Build Level: Intermediate
C64 ISEPIC Cartridge.... in full SMD :-D
C64 ISEPIC Cartridge.... in full SMD :-D
Size: 57.8mm x 33.0mm (2 Layer)
16. Amiga A501+ 512k/1MB RAM board
Exact 1:1 clone reverse-engineered by Guru from the original Commodore design. Plugs into the trap door slot and gives the old A500 512k RAM or A500 Plus an extra 1MB RAM. Updated to use a modern non-rechargeable 1/2AA lithium battery or a CR2032 coin battery. Clock parts and battery are optional on A501+ since the A500 Plus already has a clock and battery built in.
Build Level: Intermediate
Amiga 500 512k RAM board
Size: xxmm x xxmm (2 Layer)
17. 5101 RAM adapter
This converts a battery-backed 5101 RAM chip to a more modern RAM chip that does not need a battery. This board plugs in where the original chip was. Used mainly in early 80's pinball machines
Build Level: Intermediate
Adapter to replace 5101 used in early 80's pinball machines
Size: 28.6mm x 16.2mm (2 Layer)
18. 6116 RAM adapter
This converts a battery-backed 6116 RAM chip to a more modern RAM chip that does not need a battery. This board plugs in where the original chip was. Used mainly in early 80's pinball machines as battery-backed RAM
Build Level: Intermediate
Adapter to replace 5101 used in early 80's pinball machines
Size: 28.6mm x 16.2mm (2 Layer)
19. 6264 RAM adapter
This converts a battery-backed 6264 RAM chip to a more modern RAM chip that does not need a battery. This board plugs in where the original chip was. Used mainly in late 80's and early 90's pinball machines as battery-backed RAM
Build Level: Intermediate
Adapter to replace battery-backed 6264 used in pinball machines
Size: 28.6mm x 16.2mm (2 Layer)
20. A1091 IDE Controller
This is an 8-bit IDE controller based on the XT-IDE but made into a Hard Card that holds a common 2.5 inch IDE hard drive, mainly for use in Amigas with PC Bridgeboards or the A1060 PC-XT Sidecar. This one is designed like the A2091 SCSI controller mainly for use with Amiga 1000 and A1060 Sidecar, hence the model number given is A1091.
Build Level: Intermediate
A1091 IDE Hard-Card Controller Prototype with patch-wires ;-) A1091 IDE Controller A1091 IDE Controller
Size: x x x (2 Layer)
21. 1581 FDD Controller
1:1 exact copy of the Commodore 1581 3 1/2 inch Floppy Drive Controller, including the same footprints, same silk screening and same wierd trace design. Basically this is a reproduction of the original Commodore 1581 PCB but without any signs of being a reproduction. It essentially looks like the real thing with all the same parts, just made in 2019. Reversed by Guru.
Build Level: Beginner
Commodore 1581 reproduction 3 1/2 inch FDD controller PCB Commodore 1581 reproduction 3 1/2 inch FDD controller PCB
Size: x x x (2 Layer)
22. Amiga 500/1000/2000 14MHz 68000 + 4MB RAM + IDE
A friend had an A1000 with a SupraDrive 4X4 which died and couldn't be fixed even after replacing every chip so this really nice board replaced it. I never had much luck with the 14MHz operation but it's great for adding 4MB RAM and an IDE HDD to an aging A1000. The original design didn't really fit in an A1000 so I have modified it to fit and made some other changes to fix some issues. RAM and IDE are not autoconfig. Requires boot disk to load drivers to enable the RAM and IDE. Original design by Matthias Heinrichs
Build Level: Intermediate (no programming required, only soldering)
Note: This is obsoleted by item 23 below.
A1000`14MHz 68000 + 4MB RAM + IDE Upgrade
Size: 83mm x 100mm (2 Layer)
23. Amiga 500/1000/2000/CDTV 68000 + 8MB RAM + Autoboot IDE
Similar to the above but with 8MB auto-config RAM and autoboot IDE. Originally designed for the CDTV by Matthias Heinrichs, but it works just fine in A1000, A500 and A2000 as well.
Build Level: Advanced (Many SMD parts, JTAG programming etc)
Amiga 500/1000/2000 68000 + 8MB RAM + IDE Upgrade
Amiga 500/1000/2000 68000 + 8MB RAM + IDE Upgrade Amiga 500/1000/2000 68000 + 8MB RAM + IDE Upgrade
Size: 80mm x 90mm (2 Layer)
24. Amiga 500/2000 68020 + 16MB RAM + Autoboot IDE
A more advanced version of the above with 25MHz 68020 + 16MB RAM and autoboot IDE. Original design by Matthias Heinrichs
Build Level: Advanced (All SMD parts, JTAG programming etc)
Amiga 500/2000 68020 + 16MB RAM + Autoboot IDE Upgrade
Size: 100mm x 125mm (2 Layer)
25. Amiga A3640/3660 68040/68060 Accelerator
68040/60 Accelerator for Amiga 3000 & Amiga 4000
Build Level: SMD Master
Amiga A3640/3660 Accelerator
Size: 206mm x 98mm (4 Layer)
Stock Level: 10
26. Namco NB1 ROM Board
Used to convert any Namco NB1 game to another Namco NB1 game. There aren't that many good games on this system but for example you can convert Super World Stadium 95 to Point Blank or Nebulus Ray using this ROM board.
Build Level: Intermediate
Namco NB1 ROM Board
Size: 96mm x 60mm (2 Layer)
Stock Level: 10
27. Fast Load Cart for C64 #1
A reverse of the classic Epyx Fast Load cart. Reversed from the original cart that I bought back in 1984.
Build Level: Intermediate
Classic Fast Load cart for C64
Size: 66 x 60mm (2 Layer)
28. Seibu HB-41 Hybrid Audio Module
This contains some opamps and caps/resistors and is used on some arcade games such as Cabal, Raiden, Toki etc. The original reversing was done by AJE_FR and the schematic is freely available. Some people were (incorrectly) saying the polarised caps are around the wrong way but the reality is the tantalum caps are AC-coupled so there's no DC voltage going across them which means they can be any way around as long as they are all the same way. Additionally two of the caps are back-to-back which forms a bi-polar (i.e. non-polarised) capacitor, so if you don't know what you are talking about you should probably just keep quiet ;-)
Regardless I made some small improvements, optimized component orientation & location and routed the traces a better way. I have built this and it works just fine as-is.
Total cost to build this is about AU$6
Build Level: Intermediate
Seibu HB-41 Module Seibu HB-41 Module
Size: 52mm x 17mm (2 Layer)
29. Commodore 128 5VDC@4A, 9VAC@1A SMPS
This is the official Commodore 128 switching power supply for the C128 with built-in keyboard (not the C128D). The weird tracks are exactly like the original 1:1. You can't actually build this because the transformer is not available, although maybe there is an 18V output with center-tapped 9V output transformer out there somewhere? This was just done for fun and because I needed to see how it works to repair my C128 PSU. Note this also works with the C64 ^_^

Total cost wouldn't be much but good luck getting the transformer ;-)
Build Level: Beginner
Commodore 128 SMPS Commodore 128 SMPS
Size: 92mm x 38mm (2 Layer)
30. Commodore 64/128 Quick Cart
This is a simple C64/C128 cart with a rotary selector that will allow you to select up to 64 8k images or a combination of 8k and 16k images in any order. It supports 8k, 16k and Ultimax C64 images, and 16k C128 images. No need to build the overly-complicated Versa cart, this does everything you need and more using a simple design with simple parts. It takes less than 10 minutes to assemble and is extremely simple to use. I made this for a fellow Aussie who runs a youtube channel called "The Retro Channel" so if you check some of the vids there you can see this thing in action :-)

Total cost is about $5
Build Level: Intermediate (back side has a few simple SMD parts but these are *VERY* easy to solder by hand)
Commodore 64/128 Quick Cart Commodore 64/128 Quick Cart
Size: 58mm x 49mm (2 Layer)
31. Galaxian Multi-Game
This was designed by ex-MAMEDEV Mike Coates and is a project from a few years ago which is still available on his website. It was 3 separate PCBs that allow a stock Galaxian board to run many different games. Back in the day the boards were hacked to run the games. With this new board, instead of having to hack the board, all the game ROMs have been fixed to run on a stock board. This covers all Galaxian boards including the original Namco and Midway boards and bootlegs, including short bootlegs with 2 stacked boards. So you just plug this in and you get ~20 games for free.
I contacted Mike and he was ok with doing some extra software work to support my changes so I made the following improvements:
1. Made a proper schematic because the original was just the PCB routed directly in a PCB layout program. This allow the ERC/DRC to be used.
2. Fixed a few not-optimal connector positions so the joining cables route across the board cleaner.
3. Made one single PCB with separate boards. Use a hacksaw blade to separate them.
4. Re-routed the entire 3 boards to make them more professional instead of like spaghetti auto-routing ;-)
5. Changed the main battery to be a 1/2AA lithium for longer life and added holes to fit a 1/2AA battery holder.
6. Added a 2nd back-up battery for the battery-backed RAM. Removed to reduce complexity as a 1/2AA lithium battery can last 6 years in standby mode.
7. Replaced some DIP parts with SMD parts to make room, to improve the trace layout and make the board smaller. SMD parts are also cheaper ;-)
8. Increased RAM size using an 8kB SRAM or 32kB SRAM (jumper selectable). Functionality does not change, this is more to cover parts you may have in stock.
9. Added the functionality to use a non-volatile FRAM chip so the battery and DS1210 chip are not required.
10. Added a cool logo :-)

With the RAM updated to 8kB or 32kB more high scores can be saved, although currently none of the games support more RAM but this might change in the future when the supported games are updated. The existing games will not save more high scores unless they are updated. It just means that the capability is there if someone wants to add more high scores to the supported games, or add support for more games. The GAL will need to be changed to a GAL20V8 because at least one more pin is needed and of course then re-routed. This is still a work-in-progress because I'm waiting for Mike to update the GAL to support the FRAM and larger SRAM.

Update: The new GAL has been done and is a GAL22V10. Everything is routed and as an added bonus, in the empty space I made a Dallas DS1225 Battery-Backed SRAM Module. It isn't used for Galaxian it's just a bonus. This can be used (for example) in a pinball machine that uses a battery-backed 6264 SRAM... just remove the battery and plug this thing into the socket. Now I just need to get some PCBs made and test it.
Total cost is not known yet but likely about $20-$30
Build Level: Advanced
Galaxian Multi-Game Galaxian Multi-Game
Size: 121mm x 87mm (2 Layer)
32. Sega SC-3000 Multi-Game Cart
This was produced by some guy in New Zealand. A local friend has been wanting one for several years but the NZ guy seems flakey and never got back to him. So when I got hold of one I reversed it and 'problem solved'. I re-routed it properly, fixed a few mistakes and added a cool logo. This one is done properly, from the fingers to the silkscreen to the routing (which was previously a big spaghetti mess), now all done the right way. I also changed the jumpers to pre-connected solder blobs and put them on the back side. If the jumpers need to be changed the center track can be cut, but as they are supposed to be all shorted by default you shouldn't have to touch them under normal conditions. This has been built and tested and worked perfect on the first try ;-)
Total cost is probably about $10-$20 depending on what parts you have lying around. The BOM (Bill of Materials) is listed in the provided schematic (on my Reverse-Engineered Parts and Documents page) and takes about 30 minutes to assemble :-)
If you want to print your own case there's a 3D print SG-1000 case on thingyverse here or use an old SG-1000 case.
Build Level: Beginner
Sega SC-3000 Multi-Game Sega SC-3000 Multi-Game Sega SC-3000 Multi-Game Sega SC-3000 Multi-Game
Size: 93mm x 72mm (2 Layer)
33. MOS 8701 Reproduction
A very tiny PCB that can be used to replace the custom MOS8701 used in the Commodore 64. It is built with off-the-shelf common and cheap parts.
Total cost is probably about $3.
Build Level: Intermediate to Advanced (small SMD parts)
MOS8701 Reproduction
Size: 19mm x 11mm (2 Layer)
34 Sega Model 3 Drive Feedback Board
This board controls the feedback on Sega Model 3 games and a few other Sega games that use this same board.
Sega Model 3 Drive Feedback Board Schematic Sega Model 3 Drive Feedback Board
35 IGS PGM Cave bootleg
This is an improved version of the IGS PGM board-set hack that runs decrypted bootleg Cave ROMs for Espgaluda or Ketsui or DoDonPachi DaiOuJou. A full surface-mounted version will follow soon at #36 below. These are all 2-layer boards because 4-layer boards are not required if you know how to route traces properly. Plus 2-layer boards are much cheaper. The track spacing is increased to a minimum of 0.25mm. A lot of noobs use the minimum 0.13mm spacing and 0.2mm vias just because the PCB manufacturer says they can do it but that doesn't mean you should do it. They don't realise how this affects reliablility and repairability... especially 0.2mm vias.... the reason most mid-late 90s and newer arcade PCBs are dead now. Don't use minimum track spacing unless you have to. These boards are not that complicated so there's no need for such tight spacing. You can find the full schematic and BOM on my Reverse-Engineered Parts and Documents page.
Build Level: Intermediate (basic soldering skills but requires EPROM programmer)
IGS PGM Cave Hack Boards IGS PGM Cave Hack Boards
Size: 182mm x 121mm (2 Layer)
36 IGS PGM Cave bootleg - SMD version
Same as above but using SMD parts. The main program ROM, GALs and resistor arrays have been left as through-hole parts for convenience. The smaller SMD non-polarized caps are on the back side of the board. The SMD parts have been re-routed properly. I haven't bothered to re-route the entire thing because I'm busy with the next job and I don't think it's that important but I might go back and do it later.
IGS PGM Cave Hack Boards
37 DIP42 32Mbit byte-mode EPROM adapter
This adapter is used to replace a DIP42 mask ROM that has been programmed in byte mode with TSOP48 flash ROMs. There are a lot of mask ROMs on Namco and Konami PCBs that use byte-mode programming. Anyone repairing arcade PCBs will know mask ROMs are beginning to fail now quite often and there's no off-the-shelf DIP42 replacement available for those specific parts. This adapter solves that problem.
This is actually pretty complicated and has a lot of internal traces too... this can only be done with 4 layers if you want to maintain the same DIP42 footprint as the original chip.... which this does ^_^
Build Level: Intermediate to Advanced (SMD parts)
32Mbit DIP42 adapter 32Mbit DIP42 adapter
Size: 53mm x 17.7mm (4 Layer)
38 DIP42 32Mbit byte-mode EPROM adapter
Same as #37 but using a DIP42 EPROM.
Build Level: Beginner
32Mbit adapter 32Mbit adapter
Size: 58.4mm x 38.1mm (2 Layer)
  More things I'm going to be adding eventually (no order, no time-frame).....    
This is an EasyFlash 3 cart with an added SD2IEC Dual AVR + OLED display but in full SMD.
This is heavily re-designed and is a very advanced project. Currently Work-In-Progress at Rev 1.1
Build Level: SMD Master / PCB Pick'n'Place Machine
EasyFlash3 + Dual AVR SD2IEC OLED
EasyFlash3 + Dual AVR SD2IEC OLED
  Commodore 64 PSU (9VAC, 5VDC @ 3A)
This is a PCB that drops into the standard original Commodore 64 angled-brick PSU that was very common in 240V PAL regions like Australia. It uses the original transformer and case. It has built in over-volt, over-current and thermal protection.
This is custom designed by me. Currently Work-In-Progress at Rev 1.2 (note rev 1.0 is shown in the pic)
Build Level: Intermediate
Commodore 64 Power Supply Drop-In Replacement PCB
Amiga 500 VIDIOT Hybrid
Replaces the Commodore 390229-03 VIDIOT custom IC used on A500, A2000, A3000 etc.
Build Level: Intermediate
Amiga 500 VIDIOT Hybrid
Size: xxmm x xxmm (2 Layer)
Amiga 500/2000 Kickstart Switcher #1
This can take 2 standard Kickstart chips and you can switch between them using a 6-second hold of CTRL-A-A. This one is a reversed copy of the 'Wilcom ROM Switcher' which I own. Note sure when it was originally made but probably late 80's.
Build Level: Intermediate
Kickstart Switcher via keyboard CTRL-A-A
Size: xxmm x xxmm (2 Layer)
Amiga 500/2000 Kickstart Switcher #2
Similar functions to the above, but using on-board flash ROM for the kickstarts and converted to full SMD by me.
Build Level: Advanced
Kickstart Switcher via keyboard CTRL-A-A
Size: xxmm x xxmm (2 Layer)
Amiga 1000 Kickstart Upgrade
Replaces the silly 64k boot-ROM in the A1000 with a proper Kickstart ROM, even up to KS3.1.4
Build Level: Advanced
A1000 Kickstart Upgrade board
Size: xxmm x xxmm (2 Layer)
Fast Load Cart for C64 #2
Same as the above but using full SMD parts.
Build Level: Advanced
Classic Fast Load cart for C64... now in full SMD :-D
Size: xxmm x xxmm (2 Layer)
A1200 LED board
I got hold of a non-working A1200 in poor condition and brought it back to life but it was missing the LED board, so I made one.
Build Level: Beginner
Replacement LED board for A1200
Size: xxmm x xxmm (2 Layer)
A600 LED board
Not sure if I'll do this, it's just an idea, same purpose as the A1200 board above but for A600.
Build Level: Beginner
Replacement LED board for A600
Size: xxmm x xxmm (2 Layer)
5101 RAM adapter for Stern MPU-200
Same as the above but to suit Stern MPU-200 boards that use 2x 5101 RAMs. This single board plugs into 2 sockets to replace both 5101 chips.
Build Level: Intermediate
Adapter to replace two 5101 RAMs used in Stern MPU-200 pinball boards made between 1980 and 1982
Size: xxmm x xxmm (2 Layer)
Commodore PET Repair Module
This is a dead project from 2012 called the PetVet. It plugs into the 6502 socket on a faulty PET motherboard and makes it work again. Basically this replaces the CPU+RAM+ROMs on the motherboard. I have converted most of the parts to use SMD and made it much smaller than the original.... there's a theme here if you didn't notice.... smaller and cheaper ;-)
Build Level: Intermediate
PET Adapter
Size: xxmm x xxmm (2 Layer)
Atari 2600 Joystick PCB Replacement
Replaces the crappy and cheapo tact dome switches board inside the Atari 2600 joystick with a version using modern parts
Build Level: Intermediate
Atari 2600 Joystick Modern Replacement PCB
Size: xxmm x xxmm (1 Layer)
C64 Datasette Replacement
This is a Guru re-work of the Tapuino, but made smaller so it costs less. The original design is way too big and 50% of the PCB is unused, resulting in a product that costs way more than it should. Back in the early 80's no one liked the datasette, and now 30 years later it's just a novelty item. People who are curious can now make one for very little cost. The add-on Arduino only costs $2 extra from China.
Build Level: Advanced
C64 Datasette Replacement
Size: xxmm x xxmm (2 Layer)
  more coming soon.....    

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