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This page lists all the Taito G-NET cards and their dump status. The cards shown in RED are wanted. Currently none are dumped because we're still working on a custom method to dump the cards directly (i.e. without opening them up etc). Because they contain special custom chips and use some kind of software locking mechanism, they can not be dumped by reading the individual ROMs inside the cards. Also, opening them up destroys the card housing so it isn't usable afterwards.

UPDATE: 26th Feb/27th Feb 2009 - After 2 weeks and around 30 software revisions, progress has been made using a custom dumping program to dump the cards I have in my possession with the help of Olivier Galibert. The work is mostly complete but not all cards are available. Note that the unlocking is virtual, meaning we are only unlocking the software reading mechanism. When the card is removed from the power source it remains locked.

Note to those who might be thinking to bootleg/hack a G-Net board and/or convert the unpopular cards to popular games for yourself or profit: As you all know some of the G-Net cards are *highly* collectable and expensive. Due to some of the games still being quite recent, abuse of information and some previous attempts with Chinese bootlegs turning up with multi-game PCBs of other systems emulated in MAME, the method to unlock the cards will not be released. You are of course, free to figure it out yourself, bootleg everything and create your own G-Net cards, but I will not be assisting you with the information ;-)

We would like to obtain the remainder of the wanted cards so if you can help, contact me!
Please note the following.....

  • If you would like to donate towards buying a Taito G-NET card, contact me.
  • If you want to donate/loan some Taito G-NET cards, contact me.
  • Click the thumbnails to see larger pics of each card.

  • Taito G-NET PCB

    Taito G-NET boot up screen

    File Structure after unlocking. The card is seen as a regular hard drive, with a FAT16 partition with the files on it. Click the pic for a closer look ^_^
    From this listing we can make some assumptions about the files. PROG.BIN is 512k so is flashed to the 4MBit flashROM at U27 on the G-Net PCB and is used for the MN102 sound chip program. WAVE0.BIN, WAVE1.BIN & WAVE2.BIN being 2MB each are flashed to the three 16MBit flashROMs at U29, U55 & U56 on the G-Net PCB and probably contain audio samples or music data for the Zoom audio chip. The remainder of the files are either pulled off the card when needed or run from the PCB's on-board RAM on the lower ZN2 main board, or both.


    GOOD Dumped and OK
    ND Not Dumped

    T A I T O    G - N E T
    General Comments: The BIOS and PCB FlashROMs are dumped and all available cards have been dumped using a custom dumping program (having around 30 revisions) that was developed over about 2 weeks. All dumped games are emulated, although some have issues.
    Internally there are 3 different types of cards used. Previously only 1 type was understood but with further research the remaining cards have been unlocked and dumped too!

    Game Name

    Card Pic Status

    Chaos Heat
    (Taito, 1998)

    Flip Maze
    (Moss, 1999)
    (Cyberfront, 2003)
    Mahjong OH
    (Warashi, 1999)
    (Takumi, 2001)
    Otenami Haiken (Success, 1999) GOOD
    Otenki Kolorin (Takumi, 2001) GOOD
    Psyvariar Medium Unit
    (Success, 2000)
    Psyvariar Revision
    (Success, 2000)
    Ray Crisis
    (Taito, 1998)
    RC de Go!
    (Taito, 1999)

    Go by RC
    (Taito, 1999)


    Shanghai Sangokuhai Togi (Taito, 2002) GOOD
    Shanghai : Shoryu Sairin
    (Activision, 2000)
    Shikigami No Shiro
    (Alfa System, 2001)
    (Taito, 2000)
    Space Invaders Anniversary
    (Taito, 2003)
    Super Puzzle Bobble
    (Taito, 1999)
    (Warashi, 2001)
    (Triangle Service, 2002)
    Zoku Otenami Haiken
    (Success, 2000)
    (Success, 2004)

    Updates will follow as I find out more......  

    If you want to see more games here, please consider donating.

    The Guru's ROM Dump News